Monday, June 10, 2019

My new okay

My daughter Meghann passed away one year ago.  The year flew by, and it moved
in slow motion for me!!. Does that make sense?  Time has a way of passing with
or without us.

When I first started writing this blog it was my intention to give everyone a glimpse
into my world as a special needs parent. I wanted to raise awareness, share my
challenges, experiences, joys, and appreciation of being Meghann’s mom whom
at 11 months was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. I also wanted to advertise the
online support group for parents of special needs children and adults that I was
hosting. My hope for the support group was to help connect parents of special
need children.

Then the unthinkable happen. Meghann passed away at
the age of 30. My husband,Dan, and I spent five weeks
in the hospital. I sat everyday at her hospital bedside.
The only thing she wanted from me was to hold her hand
and that is exactly what I did every day. I sat next to her
bed in the ICU and held her hand. That is where I sat the
day she slipped away forever taking a piece of me with
her. I am appreciative that I was there for Meghann in the
beginning, middle, and end of her beautiful life here on

It has been a rough year. I know I am not alone with my grief of losing someone.
Grief is a complicated emotion that affects everyone differently. It can be
a lonely place if you let it consume you, and It can easily take over your every
thought with the same question.   Why?

I believe everything happens for a reason. I also believe that sometimes we never
learn those reasons.
And that’s okay.

For me, the grief of losing my daughter, Meghann, has given me a more keen
sense of what is happening around me. In the beginning of my grief, I became
super sensitive to what others had with their children. I silently watched everyone
with their children or grandchildren. I was jealous. I think I am probably still jealous.
So, I force a smile when strangers talk about their children unaware that I lost my
only child and shake my head in agreement. I force a smile when they complain,
or brag about their children, or grandchildren.
And that’s okay.

I made it through my first Mother’s day without Meghann.
I made it through May 24th, the date she passed, without
totally falling apart. My nose is finally no longer red from
blowing it, and the dark circles under my eyes are fading.
In a few weeks, on June 27th I will make it through Meghann’s
birthday. This year I will skip surfing the internet for puzzles
she doesn’t already have stacked in her closet. I will
skip buying a birthday cake with Mickey and Minnie on it.
I will skip buying presents, playing games, and singing happy
birthday to her.

Each year these dates will approach, arrive, and pass painfully for me.

And that’s my new okay.

This past year has not only given me a different
perspective on my surroundings it has given me
a better appreciation for those who love and
support me. I am more appreciative of my family
and friends. Regardless of how busy my siblings were
with their own lives on May 24th my OLDER sister,
Valerie, (we are twins) and my big brother, Mick, called me.
They both have gone above and beyond checking
on me throughout this year. I can never thank them enough
for the support, love, and time they have devoted to
me this past year. Even my dad who is a man of few
words has reached out to me on a consistent basis.

Uncle Mick with Meghann

Four Generations

Meghann's 30th bday party
She was so thrilled and excited to have such a big party!!

Nena, Meghann and cousin Peyton


I had friends text me kind messages along with

comments on my facebook page about Meghann.

I am so thankful for the love I have felt during this
past year from friends, and people who have
worked with Meghann. It was a great comfort to
me to know that Meghann has not been forgotten.

Paula and Meghann at school in Peoria

Eric who fixed chair, stander, and equipment. I think Meghann
along with every other little girl had a crush on this guy. haha

Meghann loved school and would stay there forever
if they let her. 

Sara- Meg's therapist

Special Olympics
Marty and Kathy with Meg.
Therapist at March Madness
Ginger(at school) and Meghann
Mrs Fauser. Meghann loved this woman.
She was wonderful. She attended Meghann's
Celebration of life along with another teacher. 

Abby and Meghan at the Special Olympics
Meghann loved Abby!! They grew up together

Meghann's smile was contagious.
Everyonewho knew her would
always comment on her beautiful
smile. It was only fitting to try and
pass a smile onto others in
Meghann's honor.This is what we
decided to do in honor of Meghann's
smile. We are passing out cards
for people to do Random Acts of
Kindness. Follow the link below
and the cards to join in or you can
email me at for
more information.

I hope that through the SMILE Random
Act of Kindness we started that Meghann’s smile
and goodness will continue to touch others.
Thanks Brittney (my step-daughter) for bringing this
idea to me so Meghann’s smile can live on forever.
You are a bright light shining through my dark days.

Meghann loved the convertible rides! Probably
because she always sat in the front seat. 

My husband Dan- He may have been a step-dad but that did not lessen the pain of the

loss that he felt when Meghann passed away.  He endured a lot during those five weeks

and the months that followed. He protected me from things and people who tried to make

an unbearable situation more difficult.  And he handled it with grace and a loving heart.
He has also put up with my sometimes moody, B#$%^y grief stricken attitude. Thanks
Dano for being you!!!
Our last outing together

I will always be thankful for being Meghann’s mom
for 30 years. I am grateful for all of the milestones
that Meghann achieved in her life and the impact
she made on the lives around her and me. I am
forever thankful for those who helped Meghann
along the way.

Meghann has an aunt V that spoiled her in ways
that I can never repay. She had loving grandparents,
great grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousin, and
friends. She had some wonderful therapist, teachers,
direct support workers, and friends that helped
her live up to her full potential and have a great life.
Although I am thankful, grateful, and appreciative I will always carry with me an overwhelming sadness of missing Meghann.
And that’s my new okay.

Dr. Seuss- “Don’t cry because it’s over. SMILE because it happened.”

Mother knit this dress for Meghann
One of the many things she knit for her. 

            Together forever

Anyone who knew my grandma would tell you that
she adored Meghann. The feeling was mutual. They
spent a huge amount of time together watching
Wheel of Fortune, (my grandma is the one who got
Meghann hooked on the show) doing puzzles, and
practicing letters. It brings me great joy to think they
are reunited forever and Meghann's final resting place
is next to her Muna.

Easter Seals earls intervention
services were a big part in Meghann 
reaching her developmental milestones.
They provided the valuable services 
Meghann needed to live up to her full
potential. They are celebrating their 100
years of service. I put together a video to 
thank them and would like to share it. 
   Follow the youtube link above. 😀

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