Friday, March 31, 2017

Best Friends Forever

Friendship, companionship, fellowship, confidant, playmate and partner in crime. Whatever word you use we all want friendships and connections with others. My best friend when I was growing up was my twin sister. When we were little we played barbies until our dad would yell at us to go to bed. We spent countless hours together. When we weren't fighting it was awesome to have a sister who was my best friend.
We shared our thoughts about boys, school and our home life. As we grew up we shared in the joys and disappointments of marriage, raising children, and divorce. Even though we have experienced our ups and downs I still consider her my best friend.
When I gave birth to my daughter I looked forward to her experiencing the same type of relationship with her sister. Due to various reasons I didn't have any more children. Meghann never had the chance to develop the bond of a sister and best friend. When she started school she rode a school bus out of district 100 miles round trip every day. It was almost impossible for her to maintain a relationship with the children in school. Of course, it didn't help that she was the only girl in her contained classroom. Fortunately for my daughter she developed wonderful relationships with her three cousins in the summer months. These three girls were very loving and a positive influence in Meghann's life. She spent all summer with the girls swimming until they graduated high school. When distance is present between friends it is very difficult to maintain a relationship. I find myself making dates to spend time with my friends because everyone is busy and most of them live within 25 miles from me.
There are two mothers who didn't let distance or a disability stand in the way of their daughters friendship. They were in the same class in school and lived 50 miles apart from each other.

On Tuesday April 4 at 7 p.m.  the online support group for special needs parents and caregivers  meeting will have the pleasure of listening to a story about friendship. Two moms made it their mission for their differently abled girls to begin, stay and continue their friendship to this day. It is a story that will inspire each of us to take care of our own friendships and never take our best friend for granted.

Sign on to zoom. ID meeting number 859 589 845  

1 comment:

  1. I love this!!! We love Pam and Lu loves Alexis! The girls are so lucky to have each other!
