Friday, February 17, 2017

Dawn and Alex's story-
Alex has dreams  like any other young adult. She wanted to live on her own, work, spend time with friends, and have a boyfriend.
Alex got her wish when she moved into her new home at Beverly farms in Godfrey Illinois.  She has a job, friends, attends social activities and  plans to attend  college classes.  It wasn’t a quick or easy decision  when Alex and her parents decided it was time for Alex to move out on her own. Alex was born with down syndrome, and when she graduated from High School her mom wanted Alex to be as independent as possible. Dawn was also concerned what would happen to Alex when she was no longer able to care for her daughter. Dawn explained to the online  support group the process of finding a good placement, what they looked for in a home, and eventually choosing a place that was a good fit for Alex.  Dawn credits Alex’s positive move to the support of other parents of differently-abled adult children. Dawn leaned on her friends who had been through similar situations. This helped her and Alex make the smooth transition into Beverly Farm.
 We all want the same things for our children regardless if they have special needs or not. We want them to be happy, healthy, passionate about a job, and to live a productive life within their community.  As parents of special needs children and adults  it is nice to share the milestones of our children. Sometimes those milestones take a little extra time and effort. It’s important to realize that it doesn’t really matter how long it takes you to get there. It only matters that you made it and Alex has made it !!  

The next support group meeting will be:  Tuesday March 7, 2017 at 7 p.m.

For more information contact:

Monday, February 6, 2017

First Online Support Group

February 7th - Tuesday  7 p.m.

Remember to join the online support group meeting this Tuesday night.  We have a great night planned.

Check it out this Tuesday or every first Tuesday of each month.
Stay as long as you wish.
Participate at the level that you are comfortable.
Use the app zoom to participate along with the ID meeting number or the phone number (646-558-8656 ID number required)

Jill for meeting ID number
Txt- 815-866-3776

Friday, February 3, 2017

Online support group for special needs caregivers, , parents, guardians and families.

After many months of planning, the time is finally here to have the first online support group. I am very excited for everyone of all ages, stages, and backgrounds to come together to share their concerns, experiences, knowledge and joys with one another. Regardless how old your special needs  loved may be, there will be something for you in this support group.
If you are a seasoned parent/guardian/care giver then consider paying it forward with your expertise. Wouldn't it be rewarding to pass on the power of knowledge to each other?

Zoom meeting place is a program that can be used by calling from your phone, by using a laptop or Ipad.  This will be an easy program for you to join if your tech savvy or not. You will be able to join in on the conversation or just listen. You decide on your level of participation. 

When: Feb 7, 2017 7:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) 

Speakers: Two moms will share their personal experiences raising their special needs children and making tough decisions along the way.

One time register: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

I will email you a password and that is all you need to do. You will then be set up to sign in every month with whatever device you choose to use after you put in the meeting ID number. Let me know if there is anything that I can help you with to make this a positive experience.

You will have to email me directly for the meeting ID number. I want to keep this group private. 

I look forward to hearing from you.

Jill Ryan