I noticed most of the passengers had headphones attached to a device. I assume they were either watching a movie, listening to music, books or whatever else technology could offer on the long flight.
Of course, as always there was a line for the bathroom. Most females are aware of the fact that when we have to use a public restroom there will be a line. Although the airplane bathroom was unisex it was no exception to a line. I patiently took my position at the end of the line, after all I wasn't in any hurry to get back to my cramped seat for a few more hours of sitting.
While I stood in line waiting for my turn I couldn’t help notice the little girl staring at me. She must have been around 10 month old and had the biggest dark brown eyes. She had a full head of dark curly hair and little pouty lips that reminded me of the Kardashian girls. Her diaper filled the multi-colored pajamas and I found myself watching with envy that my little girl was grown up. She didn't miss a beat crawling all over her mom while looking at me in between twists and twirls. I noticed her mom was sitting alone with the little girl. The seat next to her was filled with toys and books. I am sure the idea of the seat full of stuff was to keep this little dynamo busy for 7 hours. My memory went back to the time when I use to fly with Meghann. I only had to hold Meg for an hour or two for our flights. I thought to myself, how in the world was this mom holding this active toddler for 7 hours on a plane? I decided I was more thankful than envious that I wasn't this toddlers mom. My turn for the bathroom woke me from feeling empathy for this mom.
When I exited the bathroom I stopped at the seat of the mom with the active toddler and said “ Do you need to use the restroom? I can hold your baby.”
She looked up with relief and instantly said “Yes, I would love for you to hold her. It’s so hard to use the bathroom and hang on to her.” The mom handed me her little girl and without any hesitation she climbed into my arms.
I played and talked to this beautiful little girl as her mom searched for an open bathroom. I could tell she was anxious not to impose too much time on me. When mom returned she thanked me over and over. I explained to her how I remember what it was like to fly with my little girl without help.
This is not the first time that I have taken the time to help a mom/total stranger who needed it.
Why is it that we are so quick to judge other moms? How many times have you witnessed a child throwing a temper tantrum in public while the mom stands there humiliated? How many times have you judged a mom for working outside the home or not working outside the home? How many times have you said “ My kid would never do that.” I believe it is time for women to start supporting each other instead of criticizing each other. I hope that the next time you see a mom who is experiencing a challenging moment to take the time to say a kind word or lend a helping hand. Isn't it about time to support each other as women/moms regardless if you agree or disagree with the parental choices being made by others?